Friday, December 17, 2010

Topic #2: Stock Market Crash and Black Tuesday

October 29, 1929 at 11:49 p.m.

I had to write again today. I can’t handle this.  Everyone in my family is so stressed out. Writing seems to be the only peace I can find in our home right now. No one can sleep. Daddy says we might lose our house or worse, everything. I don’t understand how this one day can ruin the lives of entire communities. I keep hearing on the radio that it will probably hit farmers worst. Why?  My mom says the bank is going to take all of our farm equipment back. You know the fancy stuff that we got with credit? Yeah. Gone. L How are we supposed to produce crops? I guess it doesn’t matter anymore. No one has money to buy food anyway. Billions of shares were sold. What will our country come to? I’m scared for my parents.


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